Going to a bank in Switzerland
Switzerland is famous for its banks. They are secure, you can rely on them and they have a very good reputation worldwide. Once you are in Switzerland and decide to live here, you would need to open a bank account. in today's lesson we will learn how to open a bank account in Swiss German.
Grüezi, ich möchti gärn es Konto eröffne.
Hello, I would like to open a bank account.
Was für-n-es Konto interessiert Si?
What kind of account are you interested in?
Ganz es eifachs Girokonto.
A totaly simple giro account.
Möchted Si au online-Zuegang zum Konto?
Would you like to have online access to your account?
Isch denn das sicher? Das ha-n-i no nie gmacht.
Is this secure? I have never one this.
Ja, üsi Bankverbindige sind sicher und Sie chönd iri transaktione schnäll und sicher mache.
Yes, our bank connections are secure and you can make your transactions quick and secure.
Usserdem isch üses Online-Konto gebührefrei.
Besides that is our online account free from monthly fees.
Wo cham-mer de das Internet-Banking leere?
Where can one learn internet banking?
Mir hend e Broschüre mit de nötige Informatione und
We have a leaflet with the necessary informations and
wenn Si es Problem hend, denn chönd Si üsere Hotline alüte, wo 24 Stund am Tag für Si erreichbar isch.
when you have a problem, then you can call our hotline, which is there for you for 24 hours a day.
Ou, das isch toll.
Oh, that's great.
Usserdem chönd Si es Subkonto, es Tagesgäldkonto, iirichte und det hend Si de e chli meh Prozänt für Ires Guethabe.
Besides that you can set up a sub-account, where you'll have a bit more percentage for your assets.
Guet, das isch e-n-interessanti Offerte.
Good, this is an interesting offer.
Also, denn fülled Si bitte das Formular do us.
So, then please fill in this form.
Möchted Si no e Kreditcharte zu Irem Konto?
Would you like to have a credit card with your account?
Nei, lieber e normali EC-Charte, das längt.
No, I'd prefer a normal EC-Card, that'll do.
Möchted Si scho öppis uf Ires Konto Iizahle?
Would you like to pay something unto your account already?
Jo gärn, do wäred di erschte 1000.- Franke.
Yes, please, here would be the first 1000.- francs.
Guet, das wär’s. Do hend Si d Papiir und d Broschüre mit de Informatione.
OK, that's it. Here you have your papers and the leaflet with the informations.
Ab hüt chönd Si scho übers Internet uf Ires Konto goh.
From today you can already go on your account over the internet.
D EC-Charte wird Ine i de nöchschte Täg zuegschickt.
The EC-Card will be sent to you in the next few days.
Vile Dank für Iri Hilf und uf Widerluege.
Thanks a lot for your help and good bye.
Ade, Merci.
Good bye, thanks.
Hello, I would like to open a bank account.
Was für-n-es Konto interessiert Si?
What kind of account are you interested in?
Ganz es eifachs Girokonto.
A totaly simple giro account.
Möchted Si au online-Zuegang zum Konto?
Would you like to have online access to your account?
Isch denn das sicher? Das ha-n-i no nie gmacht.
Is this secure? I have never one this.
Ja, üsi Bankverbindige sind sicher und Sie chönd iri transaktione schnäll und sicher mache.
Yes, our bank connections are secure and you can make your transactions quick and secure.
Usserdem isch üses Online-Konto gebührefrei.
Besides that is our online account free from monthly fees.
Wo cham-mer de das Internet-Banking leere?
Where can one learn internet banking?
Mir hend e Broschüre mit de nötige Informatione und
We have a leaflet with the necessary informations and
wenn Si es Problem hend, denn chönd Si üsere Hotline alüte, wo 24 Stund am Tag für Si erreichbar isch.
when you have a problem, then you can call our hotline, which is there for you for 24 hours a day.
Ou, das isch toll.
Oh, that's great.
Usserdem chönd Si es Subkonto, es Tagesgäldkonto, iirichte und det hend Si de e chli meh Prozänt für Ires Guethabe.
Besides that you can set up a sub-account, where you'll have a bit more percentage for your assets.
Guet, das isch e-n-interessanti Offerte.
Good, this is an interesting offer.
Also, denn fülled Si bitte das Formular do us.
So, then please fill in this form.
Möchted Si no e Kreditcharte zu Irem Konto?
Would you like to have a credit card with your account?
Nei, lieber e normali EC-Charte, das längt.
No, I'd prefer a normal EC-Card, that'll do.
Möchted Si scho öppis uf Ires Konto Iizahle?
Would you like to pay something unto your account already?
Jo gärn, do wäred di erschte 1000.- Franke.
Yes, please, here would be the first 1000.- francs.
Guet, das wär’s. Do hend Si d Papiir und d Broschüre mit de Informatione.
OK, that's it. Here you have your papers and the leaflet with the informations.
Ab hüt chönd Si scho übers Internet uf Ires Konto goh.
From today you can already go on your account over the internet.
D EC-Charte wird Ine i de nöchschte Täg zuegschickt.
The EC-Card will be sent to you in the next few days.
Vile Dank für Iri Hilf und uf Widerluege.
Thanks a lot for your help and good bye.
Ade, Merci.
Good bye, thanks.
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