S'isch schön! - It's beautiful!

- Oh lueg, d Sunne schiint. S'isch so schön und warm dusse. Wöm-mer nid e chli use go laufe?
- Oh see, the sun is shining. It's so nice and warm outside. Shalln't we go out for a walk for a while?
- Nei, ich ha kei Ziit ich mues no mine Fründe uf Facebook schriibe.
- No, I don't have any time. I've got to write to my friends on facebook.
- Hör uf, vergiss Facebook, du muesch jetz d’ Glägeheit bim Schopf packe. Ich goh nämlech i 5 Minute. Chumm doch mit!
- Stop it, forget facebook, you have to take the chance now. I go in 5 minutes.
- Also guet. Woäne möchtisch de goh?
- Ok, so where would you like to go?
- A Murtesee dänk. Det chöm-mer go schpaziere oder sogar uf e Vitaparcours.
- To the lake of Murten, of course. There we can go for a walk, or we can even go to the "vitaparcours".
- Das isch e gueti Idee. Ich ha scho lang kei Schport meh gmacht.
- That's a good idea. It's been a long time since I have made some sport.
- Oh see, the sun is shining. It's so nice and warm outside. Shalln't we go out for a walk for a while?
- Nei, ich ha kei Ziit ich mues no mine Fründe uf Facebook schriibe.
- No, I don't have any time. I've got to write to my friends on facebook.
- Hör uf, vergiss Facebook, du muesch jetz d’ Glägeheit bim Schopf packe. Ich goh nämlech i 5 Minute. Chumm doch mit!
- Stop it, forget facebook, you have to take the chance now. I go in 5 minutes.
- Also guet. Woäne möchtisch de goh?
- Ok, so where would you like to go?
- A Murtesee dänk. Det chöm-mer go schpaziere oder sogar uf e Vitaparcours.
- To the lake of Murten, of course. There we can go for a walk, or we can even go to the "vitaparcours".
- Das isch e gueti Idee. Ich ha scho lang kei Schport meh gmacht.
- That's a good idea. It's been a long time since I have made some sport.