Im Tante Emma Lädeli - at the shop round the corner
- Grüetsi, was hätted Si gärn?
- Hello, what would you like?
- Warted Si e Momänt, ich nime grad no mis Iichoufszedeli füre,... auso:
- Wait a moment, I just have to take out my shopping note, ... well:
Gäbed Si mer bitte 300 g Tomate, es haubs Kilo Böle (Zwebele), es Mödeli Anke, zwöi Chnoblouch, es Päckli Chrüütermischig, e gäubi Pepperoni und es grosses, früschs Ruchbrot.
Give me please 300g of tomatoes, half a kilo onions, a piece of butter, two garlics, a packet of herbal mixture, a yellow pepper and a big, fresh bread.
- Bruched Si no e-n-Iichoufstäsche/ es Seckli?
- Do you need any shopping bag or a small plastic bag?
- Nei, das isch nid nötig. Ich ha si debi. Wivöu isch das zäme?
- No, that's not necessary. I have one with me. How much is it all together?
- Das macht 16.- Franke 40, bitte.
- This is 16.40 francs, please.
- Oh, ich ha grad kei Chliigäud, chan-i ou mit emene Hunderternötli (mit de Kreditcharte) zahle?
- Oh, I don't have any coins, can I pay with a 100 francs note (with the credit card)?
- Jo, klar. Das isch keis Problem. … Und do isch no ires Umegäud.
- Yes, of course. That's no problem. ... And here's the change.
- Vile Dank und uf Wiederluege.
- Thanks a lot and see you.
- Ade.
- Bye.
- Hello, what would you like?
- Warted Si e Momänt, ich nime grad no mis Iichoufszedeli füre,... auso:
- Wait a moment, I just have to take out my shopping note, ... well:
Gäbed Si mer bitte 300 g Tomate, es haubs Kilo Böle (Zwebele), es Mödeli Anke, zwöi Chnoblouch, es Päckli Chrüütermischig, e gäubi Pepperoni und es grosses, früschs Ruchbrot.
Give me please 300g of tomatoes, half a kilo onions, a piece of butter, two garlics, a packet of herbal mixture, a yellow pepper and a big, fresh bread.
- Bruched Si no e-n-Iichoufstäsche/ es Seckli?
- Do you need any shopping bag or a small plastic bag?
- Nei, das isch nid nötig. Ich ha si debi. Wivöu isch das zäme?
- No, that's not necessary. I have one with me. How much is it all together?
- Das macht 16.- Franke 40, bitte.
- This is 16.40 francs, please.
- Oh, ich ha grad kei Chliigäud, chan-i ou mit emene Hunderternötli (mit de Kreditcharte) zahle?
- Oh, I don't have any coins, can I pay with a 100 francs note (with the credit card)?
- Jo, klar. Das isch keis Problem. … Und do isch no ires Umegäud.
- Yes, of course. That's no problem. ... And here's the change.
- Vile Dank und uf Wiederluege.
- Thanks a lot and see you.
- Ade.
- Bye.