Wo bisch hüt gsi?
Where were you today?
Ich bi hüt z Kerzers im Papillorama gsi.
I was at the Papillorama in Kerzers.
Und isch schön gsi?
And was it nice?
Jo, s'isch ganz interessant gsi.
Yes, it was very interesting.
Ich ha vöu Sommervögeli gseh.
I've seen a lot of butterflies.
S'het aber ou vöu anderi Tierli und e schöne Schpöuplatz gha.
But there were a lot of other animals and it had a nice playground.
Where were you today?
Ich bi hüt z Kerzers im Papillorama gsi.
I was at the Papillorama in Kerzers.
Und isch schön gsi?
And was it nice?
Jo, s'isch ganz interessant gsi.
Yes, it was very interesting.
Ich ha vöu Sommervögeli gseh.
I've seen a lot of butterflies.
S'het aber ou vöu anderi Tierli und e schöne Schpöuplatz gha.
But there were a lot of other animals and it had a nice playground.