Ich han es Velo. - the verb to have
How to say "I have a bike" in Swiss German
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Introduction to Conjugating the Verb "To Have" in Swiss German
In this lesson, you will learn how to conjugate the verb "to have" in Swiss German. This is an essential verb to master, as it forms the basis of many everyday expressions. Make sure to listen to the recording and repeat each conjugation aloud. Repetition is key to learning a new language, so don't skip this step!
This guide is designed for beginners, so take your time and practice each form until you feel confident.
Let's get started!
In this lesson, you will learn how to conjugate the verb "to have" in Swiss German. This is an essential verb to master, as it forms the basis of many everyday expressions. Make sure to listen to the recording and repeat each conjugation aloud. Repetition is key to learning a new language, so don't skip this step!
This guide is designed for beginners, so take your time and practice each form until you feel confident.
Let's get started!
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Ich ha
I have
du hesch
you have
er het
he has
mir hend
we have
ir hend
you have
si hend
they have
I have
du hesch
you have
er het
he has
mir hend
we have
ir hend
you have
si hend
they have
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Ich ha-n-es Velo.
I have a bike.
Du hesch keis Velo aber du hesch es Trottinett.
You have no bike, but you have a scooter.
Er het keis Trottinett aber er het es Skeitbord.
He has no scooter, but he has a skateboard.
Si het keis Skeitbord aber si het Inlineskates.
She has no Skateboard, but she has Inline-skates.
Mir hend alles, was mer bruuched, wil mer zäme teiled.
We have all we need, because we share with eachother.
I have a bike.
Du hesch keis Velo aber du hesch es Trottinett.
You have no bike, but you have a scooter.
Er het keis Trottinett aber er het es Skeitbord.
He has no scooter, but he has a skateboard.
Si het keis Skeitbord aber si het Inlineskates.
She has no Skateboard, but she has Inline-skates.
Mir hend alles, was mer bruuched, wil mer zäme teiled.
We have all we need, because we share with eachother.