How to say: "I am glad" in Swiss German
Ich fröie mi, di z gseh. - I am happy to see you.
Fröisch dich, dass ich wider dehei bi? - Are you happy, that I am home again?
Mini Frau fröit sich ganz bsunders, dass i ändlich wider dehei bi. - My wife is especilally happy, that I am finally home again.
Mir fröied üs, dass mir zäme sind. - We are glad, that we are together.
Fröied ir öich au, dass i wider dehei bi? - Are you glad too, that I am home again?
Alli föied sich, dass i dehei bi. - Everyone is happy, that I am home.
Fröisch dich, dass ich wider dehei bi? - Are you happy, that I am home again?
Mini Frau fröit sich ganz bsunders, dass i ändlich wider dehei bi. - My wife is especilally happy, that I am finally home again.
Mir fröied üs, dass mir zäme sind. - We are glad, that we are together.
Fröied ir öich au, dass i wider dehei bi? - Are you glad too, that I am home again?
Alli föied sich, dass i dehei bi. - Everyone is happy, that I am home.