"How are you?" in Swiss German.
In this short lesson you will learn how to say: "How are you?" in Swiss German . In general, this lesson is about feelings and how to ask about them. Asking "how are you" is so important. It can show others that you care about them. And that you have also taken a genuine interest in them.
Enjoy the lesson.
Enjoy the lesson.
--- Dialog 1 ---
Wie goht s ?
How are you?
Mir goht s super.
I am super good.
Und dir?
And you?
Nid so guet.
not so good
Ich bi hüt chli näb de Schueh.
Today I am a bit next to my shoes. (= I'm not really with it today.)
Wie goht s ?
How are you?
Mir goht s super.
I am super good.
Und dir?
And you?
Nid so guet.
not so good
Ich bi hüt chli näb de Schueh.
Today I am a bit next to my shoes. (= I'm not really with it today.)
--- Dialog 2 ---
Wie läbsch?
How are you living?
Es goht. Es chönnti besser sii.
It's ok. It could be better.
Isch dir schlächt?
Are you feeling sick?
Jo. Mir isch schlächt.
Yes. I'm feeling sick.
Ich mues glaub erbräche.
I think I have to vomit.
Du bisch chrank.
You are ill.
--- Dialog 3 ---
Wie goht s ire?
How is she?
Si isch glücklich.
She's happy.
Und wie goht s ihm?
And how is he?
Soso lala.
so so.
Er isch gschtresst.
He is stressed.
--- Dialog 4 ---
Wie goht s öich?
How's it going ?
Üs goht s guet.
We are fine.
Jo. Gsundheitlich, aber mir sind wüetig.
Yes. health-wise, but we are angry.
--- Dialog 2 ---
Wie läbsch?
How are you living?
Es goht. Es chönnti besser sii.
It's ok. It could be better.
Isch dir schlächt?
Are you feeling sick?
Jo. Mir isch schlächt.
Yes. I'm feeling sick.
Ich mues glaub erbräche.
I think I have to vomit.
Du bisch chrank.
You are ill.
--- Dialog 3 ---
Wie goht s ire?
How is she?
Si isch glücklich.
She's happy.
Und wie goht s ihm?
And how is he?
Soso lala.
so so.
Er isch gschtresst.
He is stressed.
--- Dialog 4 ---
Wie goht s öich?
How's it going ?
Üs goht s guet.
We are fine.
Jo. Gsundheitlich, aber mir sind wüetig.
Yes. health-wise, but we are angry.
--- Dialog 5 ---
Wie goht s Ine, Herr Burri?
How are you, Mr. Burri?
Prächtig. Und Ine, Frau Werni?
Great. And you Mrs. Werni?
Es goht. Ich bi chli truurig.
So so. I'm a little sad.
Mini Chind sind uuszoge.
My children moved out.
Ah. Wie goht s ine?
Ah. How are they?
Sowiit so guet.
So far so good.
Ich mache mir Sorge.
I am worried.
Ich hoffe, si chömed elei guet z Schlag.
I hope they manage on their own.
--- Dialog 6 ---
Wie läbed-Ir?
How are you living?
Mir sind uufgregt.
We are excited.
Mir gönd hüt s erschte Mol go Fallschirm schpringe.
We go parachuting for the first time today.
Und du? Wie fühlsch di?
And you? How do you feel?
Ich bi enttüüscht.
I am disapointed.
Ich cha nid mit go Fallschirm schpringe.
I can't go with (them) to parachute.
--- Dialog 7 ---
Wie fühled Si sich?
How are you feeling?
Ich fühle mi müed.
I feel tired.
Mir goht s finanziell sehr schlächt.
Financially I'm doing bad.
Chopf höch! Die Ziite gönd scho wider verbii.
Head up! These times go by again.
Chömed Si zu mir, wenn Si Hilf bruuched.
Come to me, when you need any help.
Danke für s Aagebot.
Thanks for the offer.
Wie goht s Ine, Herr Burri?
How are you, Mr. Burri?
Prächtig. Und Ine, Frau Werni?
Great. And you Mrs. Werni?
Es goht. Ich bi chli truurig.
So so. I'm a little sad.
Mini Chind sind uuszoge.
My children moved out.
Ah. Wie goht s ine?
Ah. How are they?
Sowiit so guet.
So far so good.
Ich mache mir Sorge.
I am worried.
Ich hoffe, si chömed elei guet z Schlag.
I hope they manage on their own.
--- Dialog 6 ---
Wie läbed-Ir?
How are you living?
Mir sind uufgregt.
We are excited.
Mir gönd hüt s erschte Mol go Fallschirm schpringe.
We go parachuting for the first time today.
Und du? Wie fühlsch di?
And you? How do you feel?
Ich bi enttüüscht.
I am disapointed.
Ich cha nid mit go Fallschirm schpringe.
I can't go with (them) to parachute.
--- Dialog 7 ---
Wie fühled Si sich?
How are you feeling?
Ich fühle mi müed.
I feel tired.
Mir goht s finanziell sehr schlächt.
Financially I'm doing bad.
Chopf höch! Die Ziite gönd scho wider verbii.
Head up! These times go by again.
Chömed Si zu mir, wenn Si Hilf bruuched.
Come to me, when you need any help.
Danke für s Aagebot.
Thanks for the offer.
--- Dialog 8 ---
Mir isch langwiilig.
I'm bored.
Sicher? Chum mir lueged e Film.
Really? Let's watch a film.
Dä Film isch langwiilig.
This film is boring.
Es isch langwiilig, wenn alli immer nume Färnseh lueged.
It's boring, when everyone always watches films.
--- Dialog 9 ---
Bisch verliebt?
Are you in love?
Ich bi verliebt!
I am in Love!
Du gsehsch sehr glücklich uus.
You look very happy.
Jo, das bi-n-i au.
Yes, I am.
Ich ha di sooo gärn.
I love you. (I like you sooo much).
--- Dialog 10 ---
Wie fühlsch di?
How are you feeling?
Hüt bi-n-i müed.
Today I am tired.
Ich ha z wenig gschlofe.
I have slept too little.
Minere Grossmueter goht s schlächt.
My granny is doing badly.
--- Dialog 11 ---
Du gsehsch so glücklich uus. Was isch los?
You look so happy, What's up?
Ich fröie mi uf Wiehnachte.
I am looking forward to Christmas.