Freiziit - En Usflug uf Avenches
- Du Susanne, chunsch mit uf Avenches?
- Susanne, are you coming with me to Avenches?
Ich ha zwöi Billet für d’Opere im römische Amphitheater.
I have to tickets for the opera in the roman Amphitheatre.
- Für wenn hesch d’Billet?
- For when do you have the tickets?
- Für em nöchschte Friitig z’abig.
- For next Friday night.
Mer chönted jo em Friitig frei näh und met em Velo nach Avenches fahre.
We could take a day of on Friday and go to Avanches by bike.
- Meinsch? De münd mer aber rächtziitig losfahre.
- Do you think so? But then we have leave in good time.
So chöm-mer vorhär im Hotel no e Duschi näh und e chli öpis ässe.
So we can take a shower in the hotel and eat something small beforehand.
- Jo und am Samschtig fahred-mer denn um de Murtesee ume
- Yes, and on Saturday we cycle around the lake Murten
und gönd denn vo Murte uus met em Zug weder hei.
and then from Murten we go home again by train.
- Ou jo, das isch e gueti Idee.
- Oh yes, this is a good idea.
Listen again, now in normal speach:
- Susanne, are you coming with me to Avenches?
Ich ha zwöi Billet für d’Opere im römische Amphitheater.
I have to tickets for the opera in the roman Amphitheatre.
- Für wenn hesch d’Billet?
- For when do you have the tickets?
- Für em nöchschte Friitig z’abig.
- For next Friday night.
Mer chönted jo em Friitig frei näh und met em Velo nach Avenches fahre.
We could take a day of on Friday and go to Avanches by bike.
- Meinsch? De münd mer aber rächtziitig losfahre.
- Do you think so? But then we have leave in good time.
So chöm-mer vorhär im Hotel no e Duschi näh und e chli öpis ässe.
So we can take a shower in the hotel and eat something small beforehand.
- Jo und am Samschtig fahred-mer denn um de Murtesee ume
- Yes, and on Saturday we cycle around the lake Murten
und gönd denn vo Murte uus met em Zug weder hei.
and then from Murten we go home again by train.
- Ou jo, das isch e gueti Idee.
- Oh yes, this is a good idea.
Listen again, now in normal speach: