A song from legendary Mani Matter: S Zündhölzli
I han es Zündhölzli azündet
und das het e Flamme gäh und i ha für d'Zigarette welle Füür vom Hölzli näh, aber s'Hölzli isch dervo gspickt und uf e Deppich cho und es hätt no fasch es Loch in Deppich gäh dervo. Ja me weis was cha passiere, we me nit ufpasst mit Füür und für d'Gluet ar Zigarette isch e Deppich doch denn z'tüür und vom Deppich hätt, o Grus, chönne s'Füür is ganze Huus Und wär weis, was da nit no wär worde drus. S'hätt e Brand gäh im Quartier und s'hätti d'Füürwehr müesse cho, si hätte ghornet i de Schtrasse und dr Schluuch vom Wage gno und sie hätte Wasser gschprützt und das hätti glych nüt gnützt und die ganzi Stadt hätt brönnt, es hätt si nüt meh gschützt. Und d'Lüt wären umenandgschprunge I dr Angscht um Hab und Guet, hätte gmeint s'heig eine Füür gleit, hätte d'Schturmgwehr gno ir Wuet, alls hätt' brüelet: Wär isch tschuld? ds ganze Land in eim Tumult, dass me gschosse hätt uf d'Bundesrät am Rednerpult. D'UNO hätt interveniert und d'UNO-Gägner sofort o, für ir'd Schwyz dr Fride z'rette wäre beid mit Panzer cho, s'hätt sech usdehnt nad inah uf Europa, Afrika s'hätt e Wältchrieg gäh und d'Mönschheit wär jitz nümme da. Ja I han es Zündhölzli azündt und das het e Flamme gäh und i ha für d'Zigarette welle Füür vom Hölzli näh, aber ds Hölzli isch dervo gspickt und uf de Deppich cho: Gottseidank dass i's vom Deppich wider furt ha gno. |
I have lit a match
and there was a flame I wanted to take fire from the match to my cigarette, but the match pinged off and went on the carpet and it would have nearly burned a hole into the carpet. Yes one knows what can happen when one is not carfeful with fire. and for embers at the cigarette a carpet surely is too expensive. and from the carpet, how dreadful, could the fire have gone in whole house. and who knows, what could have happened out of it. It would have given a blaze in the district and the firebrigade would have had to come they would have had the siren on in the streets and would have taken the hosepipe from the wagon and they would have sprinkled water and that wouldn't have been (nothing) useful anyway and the whole town would have burned, nothing would have protected "her" anymore. and the people would have run around in their fear about their possessions they would have thought someone started the fire intentionally they would have taken their ‘stormgun’ in their anger Everyone would have cried out: who is responsible? the whole country in one Chaos/Uproar/Riot One would have shot at d'Bundesrät (the men of the council) on the (lecturn/area where speakers are). The UN would have interviened and the UN enemies would go out immediately too to save peace in Switzerland both would have come with tanks it would have spread out step by step to Europe and Africa there would have been a world war and humanity would no longer exist I have lit a match and there was a flame I wanted to take fire from the match to my cigarette, but the match pinged off and went on the carpet: Thanks God I pickt it up from the carpet again. |